Love Sex Aur Dhokha consists of three love stories. The first story is about a film school student Rahul (Anshuman Jha) who shoots a movie and falls in love with the heroine Shruti (Shruti) and they get married, with dreams of a happy future. This track is a satire on Bollywood relationships. The next story is about Adarsh (Raj Kumar Yadav) who installs secret cameras in the changing room of a mall and plans to make a porn film using the clips. Adarsh pretends to be in love with the plain Jane salesgirl in the mall Rashmi (Neha Chauhan), who he actually plans to use, courtesy MMS scandals.
The final story has a sting journalist Prabhat who attempts a series of failed suicides. He meets Naina, who is also trying to commit suicide. She had been promised a music video by Loki Local, a Hip Hop pop star, who uses her. But the video finally went to a Russian blonde. Prabhat and Naina decide to do a sting operation. The third story bears reference to the existing casting couch and how people opt for it as a shortcut to money and fame.
It takes a while for the viewer to get a grasp of this new Hindi film, considering the constantly moving cameras. It is a digital film with the hidden camera playing a character itself, another first in Bollywood! But the screenplay and story are so engrossing that it is easy to absorb this technique of story telling!
Director Dibakar Banerjee’s choice of subject, dwelling on an unbeaten path and decision to shoot the film on a digital format deserves kudos and so does the interweaving of the three stories. There's just one song in the film - the title track - which is already rising in the charts due to its catchy tune and filming. The DoP [Nikos Andritsakis] has done a great job with a lot of innovation and creativity with the film being shot on a handycam, security cameras placed in shops, underwater cameras and spy cameras. Editing by Namrata Rao is just perfect.
The reality in the film called for new faces and the performances of each and every member of the cast are superb. Anshuman Jha [as Rahul], Shruti [as Shruti], Raj Kumar Yadav [as Adarsh], Neha Chauhan [as Rashmi], Amit Sial [as Prabhat], Arya Devdutta [as Naina] and Herry Tangri [as Loki Local] are amazing actors and have a bright future.
On the whole, LSD is original, innovative and ground-breaking cinema, which will shock and provoke you. The explosive title and content should make this low-cost film amass a decent box office collection!
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